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The Super Cluster II Spot Play Method > SOFTWARE INSTALLMENT PLAN for Super Cluster II Spot Play
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Price: $99.00
Availability: in stock

Price shown represents 3/4 of total payment due; remainder due one-month from when you place your order.

First of 2-Pay Installment Plan for

Software for the Super Cluster II Spot Play Method

Regular price is $199 but is on sale for $148.

This payment of $99 is the first installment of two towared the sale price of $148. You will receive the Software and the Paper Version of the Super Cluster II in the mail. 

The second installment of $49 is due 30 days from this payment.

By making this first payment of $99, you agree to pay the second installment to Tom Worth Publishing Co., worthhandicapping.com, by PayPal, credit card, check or money order.

We'll give you a call or send an email to set it up.

Thank you!

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Jon Worth  Tom Worth Publishing Co.  PO Box 7054  Warwick, RI 02887-7054

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